Australian Lure Shop
Buy direct from the Manufacturer
Store Features
- Take sales while you sleep with an on-line store
- PayPal payment integration via a PayPal business account, credit cards, and handles product refunds
- Inventory control
- Add Categories and Subcategory’s (Unlimited levels) for products or use the store without categories
- Handles multiple pages of products,
- Shopping cart system setting
- Feature to send free products to a user
- Supports uploading of images for a product.
- Search transactions for users who purchased products
- On purchase a user can be moved to another member group and the membergroup can expire after a period of time
- Rating of Products on scale of 1 to 5 stars Store Admin’s can delete ratings and view who rated a product
- Product Comment System
- Permissions for View Store, Rate Item, Add Comments, Edit own Comment, Auto Approve Comments Admin Store
- Product coupon system
- Items can be marked as on sale
- Custom prices can be set for each member group
- Related items can be shown on the view item page
- Guest purchase product support
- Has the option to collect payment and billing information manually without PayPal
Admin Features
- Registration options including instant, email activation, and admin approval
- Membergroup support to classify users as different groups
- Permission system on a membergroup level
- Ban system allows banning by IP, membername
- Comments can require approval and built in comment reporting system
- Built in layout settings to control what information is shown on the view store and item/category view
- Customize which index blocks are shown on the main store index page
- Setup a registration agreement for users when they signup
- Register a member directly from the admin control panel
Subscribe to Australian Lure Shop
- No other software fees
- No other server hosting fees
- Choice of either month to month or annual subscription
- First month is free while you populate your store
Bonus Feature – Auctions Access
Australian Lure Shop Subscribers can also access the Australian Lure Auctions feature at no extra cost. This powerful software is perfect for those one off lures, or sets that you would like to auction off without wanting to add a new category in your store.
Auction Features include:
- set the duration of an auction
- if bid recieved in last minute, another minute is added
- integrates with your PayPal or take direct payment.
- add photos of the lure auction to the listing
- link from Auction to your facebook or share with friends
“The Australian Lure Shop works great for us to showcase our products and an easy point of sale site.
It helps save my time photographing lures for messaging through social media sites time after time and I can give customers a link straight to the lures they are asking about with photos of what is available.”

Aaron Young
Kuttafurra Lures